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Vulnerability Change Records for CVE-2024-0759

Change History

New CVE Received by NIST 2/27/2024 1:15:45 AM

Action Type Old Value New Value
Added CVSS V3

huntr.dev AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:H/A:N
Added CWE

huntr.dev CWE-918
Added Description

Should an instance of AnythingLLM be hosted on an internal network and the attacked be explicitly granted a permission level of manager or admin, they could link-scrape internally resolving IPs of other services that are on the same network as AnythingLLM.

This would require the attacker also be able to guess these internal IPs as `/*` ranging is not possible, but could be brute forced.

There is a duty of care that other services on the same network would not be fully open and accessible via a simple CuRL with zero authentication as it is not possible to set headers or access via the link collector.
Added Reference

huntr.dev https://github.com/mintplex-labs/anything-llm/commit/0db6c3b2aa1787a7054ffdaba975474f122c20eb [No types assigned]
Added Reference

huntr.dev https://huntr.com/bounties/9a978edd-ac94-41fc-8e3e-c35441bdd12b [No types assigned]